You know what I think? There's writing, and there's being a Writer. I love writing. I hate being a Writer.
Begging for attention on Facebook. Jumping on trends on Medium. Shaving down every polysyllabic word for the ADHD masses. It's become clear to me that what it takes to be a Writer in the 21st century is not only something I don't have; it's something I don't want to acquire.
That leaves me on the compost heap with all the rest of the suckers who never made it. Maybe I could have been somebody. Maybe I could have been a contender. Probably not. But either way, it's not going to happen now.
So to use your phrase, I'm trying to love the one I'm with. To remember that there was a time before fame and money existed, and people told stories around the campfire and painted in darkness on cave walls.
If it was good enough for my hairy-knuckled ancestors, it will have to be good enough for me.